How Do Blind People Play a Rubik’s Cube?

by | Oct 1, 2019 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

The blind and the vision-impaired like games as much as others. I have visited many events where the blind play board games and many kinds of card games. Making these games accessible is simple. But, what if a vision-impaired person wants to solve a Rubik’s Cube? No problem!

Like board games and playing cards, Rubik’s Cube can be made accessible by giving them tactile markings. The blind use Rubik’s Cubes that are labeled with tactile bumps which indicate the color of each square. Instead of matching up colors, the blind person resolves a Rubik’s Cube by matching up the tactile patterns. When all the bumps on each side of the cube are the same, the cube puzzle is solved.

At first glance, it might seem impossible for a blind person to match up the colors on a Rubik’s Cube. It would be if you only thought in visual solutions. Instead, think outside of the cube (pun) by finding non-visual solutions to challenges. You will be surprised how easy it is to make the inaccessible accessible just by changing the way you think.

1 Comment

  1. Paul Martz

    Thumbs up. I’m totally blind from RP and can solve a tactile cube in under 3 minutes. The tactile cube is an amazing tool for developing dexterity, problem solving skills, and self esteem. I’ll be attending my first speed solving competition in Denver in May. Perhaps my participation will encourage WCA to adopt blind tactile solving as a standard competitive event.


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